sobota, 8 listopada 2014

Sleeping in airports

One of the biggest  problems in travelling is limited budget. The easiest way to safe some amount of money is to resign from a hotel and sleep in an airport. It works after arrival or before departure, because transfer from a city to an airport may cost much more than hostel. 

Safety on an airport is the basic problem. I’ve never had any bad experience, but you have to be very careful.  Obviously you don’t have any private space on the terminal. Everyone may sit near you and start snoring, but you shouldn’t avoid other travelers, especially when you are alone. There is much more safe to stay in a group than hide alone. Tickets, documents and money have to be hide somewhere deep in your luggage or in some hiding place under your clothes, that you will always have it with you.

To have a good sleep you have to find some comfortable place. If you arrive on the airport at 1st AM all best places will be occupied. In the other hand arriving at 8 PM is to early, and you will be bored until morning.

Wi-fi is not always for free. In some airports you can use internet only for first 15 minutes for free. But  you can try to clean browser history and cookie files from your mobile or computer.  In the Porto airport it works, so you may surf on the internet as much as you want. But for example in Barcelona El Prat it doesn’t work at all.

Charging battery of your mobile phone may be sometimes a little bit difficult. Usually you may find a power socket in a toilet, but there are some airports, where all sockets are hide. I don’t remember exactly where it was, but once my friend had to make a phone but his battery was discharged, and we had to disconnect a vending machine form a socket.

Prices of food and drinks on airports are not best, but after arrival you may be thirsty. Sometimes you may find some places with food for staff,  where you may find something for low prices. There is such place on Charleroi airport (Brusseles). Just go out from arrival terminal go to the right. In the end there are magic stairs which direct you to the police station. After the corner you will find vending machines where you can buy som food and drinks for ½ of a normal price.

In next posts I will describe some tips about certain airports. If you are interested you can also visit:

1 komentarz:

  1. gadabout great stuff! Although I cannot imagine myself speding a whole night at the airport. How many times did you try it? Were you able to do sightseeing the day after?
